Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chapter Two: Ramona The Pest

I have been anxiously awaiting until I could blog again without looking too overly eager.
Yes, I am new to this.
So what if I get a little excited that I have a few followers? It's not like anyone's counting...right?

Okay. Back to me.
I have had some troubling thoughts the last few days. Some of which have kept me up all night, and some have even had the audacity to haunt my days.

Let me expose you to my worries:

1. Do I like the smell of "Rain" or is it really just the wet cement aroma?
I was walking on campus, and the sprinklers were on...and oh, did it smell amazing! It left me wishing I had a dried-popsicle-juice-mustache and an adult trike bike to ride.
But what is it?! Is it the cement? I feel like I've been lied to about being adopted. I just need to know the truth...

I'll keep you posted on my findings.

2.I truly and wholehearted hate my Religion teacher.
Now, now, I understand that is a strong word, and if my Grandma Davis were reading this I know she'd drop to her knees immediately and beg for my soul to be saved from the evil that has possessed my heart.
But, let's be honest. I'm no Enid Davis.

This guy is the most self-righteous man in the world. I'm positive of that fact. He just shares stories all period how he has done things to touch peoples lives and how amazing we should think he is, even though he keeps us five minutes late. every. single. time.
Not to mention his hair cut is ATROCIOUS!

I lost all my "points" for the day (including my quiz score) because I got up and used the bathroom during group sharing time.
What's wrong with this picture? I forgot to raise my hand and ask.
Yes, folks. I'm paying to get treated like an imbecile.

No matter! I'll keep my treacherous thoughts to myself (and post them on my blog) while I smile and think of the ways I could make his life hell.

(Sorry for the swear. I'll put a dollar in the swear jar, I swear. Swear.)

3. And finally the third most troubling concept I've been contemplating is how one week my habits will be entirely different from my habits of another.
Schizophrenia? I am beginning to wonder.

Let's have a pretend session for a minute.
Close your eyes. (Are they closed?)
You see me. (Naturally, of course)
My daily planner marked to the minute, fully prepared to take on the day.
I keep my mind on being more Christlike and kind.
I go throughout my day feeling rewarded and grateful.
My room is pristine.
My hair is brushed.

One week Later...

Close your eyes.
You see me.
I have made a trail in my room to get to the door and my closet through the clothes, shoes, papers, and purses.
I wake up ten minutes before school and rush out the door.
I'm lucky if I got a comb through my Ramona The Pest tresses.
Have I done my homework? I may or may not have.
My life is chaos.

Open your eyes.
There is no stopping it.
There is no cure.
I am forever doomed to live the life of...(climatic pause)
Jessi Davis: Schizo-Ramona-Religion-teacher-hater.
